Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Register does IJCAI

I didn't manage to get to IJCAI but good to see that the Register was there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is depressing to read the emphasis given to statistics in a report of an AI conference. I once heard a famous Professor of Statistics at a leading British University claim, "AI is just a branch of Statistics". While such a statement reveals his ignorance of the scope of AI and its methods (eg: logic, emergence, agent systems, software engineering, etc), what is depressing is the arrogance this reveals: a problem is considered solved once it has been reduced to numbers and these subjected to statistical analysis.

Not all problems are reducible to a quantitative representation, and even if they were, a clever statistical analysis of the numbers does not engineer you an intelligent system able to act in the world and to explain its actions to others.

11:25 am  

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