Sunday, January 02, 2005

The point of this blog...

Actually, ABC/Time do have a point - i got a lot out a whole bunch of blog sites last year (this, this and a whole army of US election commenary sites for example) . Not that i'm going to produce anything mildly useful here - but at least it seems that blogs are an excellent electronic version of walking down the street muttering to yourself - a must have for a harassed academic...

A second reason after preparing for academic senility is that there's actually a fair bit of interesting stuff to write about: a kind of a twilight zone between software/hardware/internet research (where we live and containing some of the stuff that might one day work) and the Internet / Systems people use today - and the twilight zone is suprisingly small. The next 10 years or so of Internet development could well be just as interesting as the last 10 (too criptic? - some random things of interest: GOM, EPIC, Alphaville and a bunch of interesting technology trends like Web Services, Agents, Grid and the Semantic Web starting to come of age).

It would be nice to think some of it could be predicted here - but more likely you'll just see bemused commentary as it happens. Anyway, maybe the blog experiment will die in a couple of months or U might manage to say something sufficiently offensive to generate a DOS attack on blogspot.

I don't expect anybody to read - but if you do; last one out please switch off the light...


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