Monday, September 26, 2005

Agentlink Agent Technology Roadmap v2.0 Released

Long time no posts after a firestorm of deadlines but here's a nice result of one of them. Agentlink just finished the second version of its Agent technology Roadmap. This is the elecronic form - printed glossies to come!

Congratulations to Mike Luck and Serena Raffin or worked huge hours to get this out - it would never have happened without the pushing it. A lot of people also contributed - hopefully it will be an interesting read (but then I'm biased :-) being a contributor).

We want feedback as well, so if love it, hate it, don't agree with what you read etc. let us know (details in the pdf).

Friday, September 09, 2005

Upcoming Conferences

Just as your're getting to grips with getting back to work - time to sneak of to a conference or get your papers in:

Thanks to Omer for pointers to the first two. Time to get thinking about papers I guess...